Saturday 6 September 2014

Occipital Illusionist

The shape is one of the most important elements of a good gentleman's haircut. After living in Singapore for a few years, I have found that there are too many haircuts out there that are not executed correctly, especially the back of the head. Most Asians have a flat head, hence building a proper head shape to create an illusion of an occipital bone can make or break the haircut. Gentlemen, please tell your barber/stylist that you would like everything blended and connected through the back and there shouldn't be an overhang disconnected lump. (I've seen too many lumps). A good barber/stylist will be able to create an illusion of proportionate occipital bone that is smoothy connected to the top. Remember Gents, your hair is the first thing a lady would notice and they certainly do not fancy lumps at the back of your head.

Stay Handsome !

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